Daniel dos Santos Catalão
Admission exames 2025
One of the following sets:
06 Philosophy
18 Portuguese
04 Economics
06 Philosophy
04 Economics
18 Portuguese
17 Math. Applied to Social Sciences
18 Portuguese
Calculation of the Application Score
National Exams (25% of each exam)
DGES Registry
Course registered at the General Directorate of Higher Education with the number R/A-Ef 877/2011
Publication in the Official Gazette
Notice nº 15698/2020 - 2nd series, nº 194 of 6 October 2020.
Accreditation of the Study Program
Accredited for 6 yearsPublication Date:
16-06-2020 Official Information A3ES:
Accreditation result (in portuguese)
Study Program Evaluation
The Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences aims to prepare professionals who are able to perform a range of functions (some of which are multidisciplinary) in the vast field of communication within organisations (business and institutional communications) and in the
media. The course aims to meet the European challenge to improve human resources in areas heavily marked by information technology and enhance the information and knowledge society by helping to improve the media’s operations and socio-economic and cultural role. The entire course operates within the relationship between communication and technology, starting with a more general view in the first semesters followed by greater specialisation in the 2nd and 3rd years. As a whole, the different course units work like pieces in a harmonious mosaic organised around a central goal: providing a dynamic range of skills to use in professional work or future research.
Professional opportunities
- Senior communications/organisational communications officer;
- Senior marketing and advertising officer;
- Journalist;
- Communications consultancy;
- Press office;
- Copy editing; etc.
What makes this course different?
Students have access to two centres that have great potential to enrich their practical, onthe-job training: the Communication Sciences Centre (CCCOM) multiplatform studio and the Multimedia Lab and Centre (CLM).
Some teachers on this course are members of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho, classified as “Excellent” in the Foundation for Science and Technology’s international evaluation.
Students may apply for periods of mobility for studies in around 150 higher education institutions of more than 30 countries, as well for international internships, with possibilitity of financial support.