Olga Furriel de Sousa Cruz
Admission exames 2025
Two (2) of the following tests
02 Biology and Geology
06 Philosophy
11 History
18 Portuguese
Calculation of the Application Score
National Exams (25% of each exam)
DGES Registry
Course registered at the General Directorate of Higher Education with the number R/A-Ef 295/2012
Publication in the Official Gazette
Notice n.º 2645/2023 - 2nd series n.º 27 of 07 February
The Bachelor’s degree in Criminology aims to provide multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training for students so they can become graduates in Criminology who have the knowledge and skills necessary for full professional performance in the field. Specifically, the course aims to: Provide and stimulate the personal and ethical development of future criminology professionals; Provide and stimulate the learning and development of decisive, vocational skills, particularly regarding the prevention of crime and the different factors that cause criminal behaviour, assessing and guiding victims and offenders for the treatment of behavioural and personality issues, as well as social reintegration of ex-prisoners, conflict resolution, risk assessment and management; Provide students with learning and a suitable command of the methodological instruments that enable them to carry out research projects independently and in multidisciplinary groups; Encourage graduates to produce and disseminate pure and applied scientific knowledge.
Professional opportunities
Graduates are prepared to work effectively in different working contexts, from scientific research (for example, carrying out studies and research projects on criminal acts, factors and behaviours, regarding the perpetrators, their methods and context) to the most specialised, professional settings, specifically those related to professional intervention in security and crime questions. Graduates can become the best choice for: police forces (public security police, national guard, judiciary police); border control services; secret services; economic activity inspection services; prison services; social reintegration institutions; institutions that work with at-risk minors or victim support; private security; etc.
What makes this course different?
The Bachelor’s degree in Criminology closely linked to the Research Unit in Criminology and Behavioural Sciences (UICCC), which carries out research and community service projects in the area of criminology, and the Criminology and Forensic Science Lab (LCFC), which performs practical, laboratory-based activities in the field of forensic sciences and criminalistics. Study visits are also organised (e.g. to prisons, courts) and practical criminology courses are arranged at a police academy, which enables students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. Academic staff are members of research units classified as “Good” (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Human Rights - DH-CII) and “Very Good” (Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Studies - CICS.NOVA) in the Foundation for Science and Technology’s international evaluation.