Master's Degree

Computer Science

Department of Communication Sciences and Information Technologies



Luís Carlos Gonçalves dos Santos Seco


Course registered in the Directorate General of Higher Education with reference R/A-Cr 310/2021

Publication in the Official Gazette

Publication in the Official Gazette, Notice No. 21791/2021 (2nd Series), No. 224, of November 18, 2021

​Accreditation of Study Cycle

Official information from A3ES:  Accreditation result (in portuguese) 
Decision: Accredited for 6 years​
Publication Date: 24-09-2021

Study Program Evaluation 

Study program self-evaluation report (in portuguese)​​

Admission Requirements

  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred in agreement with a 1st cycle of studies organized by the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process in the areas of the study cycle;

  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the University of Maia as meeting the objectives of the degree in the areas of the study cycle;

  • In duly justified cases, holders of an academic, scientific, or professional curriculum, which is recognized by the University of Maia Scientific Council as attesting the capacity to carry out this study cycle;

  • Graduates in other areas with a suitable curriculum to attend the study cycle, when validated by the Scientific Pedagogical Commission.​

The curriculum of the Master's Degree in Informatics (E-Learning) at the University of Maia includes a set of courses that stand out for their relevance and topicality in the digital context. With a strong focus on areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing, this master's allows students to acquire state-of-the-art technical and scientific knowledge essential to meet the challenges of the constantly evolving job market.

Additionally, the inclusion of courses related to emerging technologies, such as Geoinformatics and Multi-Agent Systems, is essential for preparing students for new trends and opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of computer science.

Finally, it is also noteworthy the strong emphasis that this master places on courses related to scientific research, such as Scientific Research Methodologies and Project/Dissertation in Computer Science. The second year of the master's is exclusively dedicated to the development of Project/Dissertation work, so the integration of students into research activities and projects in which the course faculty participate should be understood as a very positive inevitability. Furthermore, the fact that the faculty members of the master are integrated into R&D units of the National Scientific and Technological System with a rating of Very Good or Excellent is, per se, a facilitating mechanism for the participation of students in national and/or international research networks.

What makes this course different?

The Master's in Informatics is accredited to work at a distance, positioning itself as a globalizing study cycle that seeks to go far beyond the boundaries of the classroom. With virtual classes, digital resources, and interactive platforms, students have access to a dynamic and flexible learning environment that allows them to balance their studies with other personal and professional activities. Furthermore, distance learning offers students the opportunity to participate in discussions and group work with colleagues from all over the world, further enriching the learning experience.

All the curricular units of the master's use student-centered teaching and learning methodologies, which promote their active involvement through group work, study projects, or research, stimulating these students to contact, through research, analysis, and discussion, with various lines of research in the field of Computer Science. ​​​​​​


The Master's degree in Informatics was designed to ensure high levels of adaptation to the individual context of each student, allowing them to pursue their studies at a distance and on flexible schedules.

The classes will mostly be asynchronous (when and where the student chooses) and less frequently synchronous (scheduled), as defined in the Learning Agreement established between the teacher and the students at the beginning of each semester.

Synchronous classes will always take place remotely, using the e-learning platform of the University of Maia and video conferencing systems, except for those that involve laboratory work or evaluation moments where the presence of the teacher and students in the same physical space is essential to achieve the objectives.


Online adaptation module

Considering the importance of familiarizing students with the technological devices that support the virtual environment where teaching and learning activities will take place, and the importance of acclimatizing to specific online communication and behavior modes, an online acclimatization module is organized at the beginning of each edition of the master's degree, mandatory for all students enrolled for the first time in the course.

This module will be organized in virtual groups and will be entirely online. The online acclimatization module is practical in nature, with a focus on "know-how." By the end of this module, the student should have:

  • acquired skills in using the technological resources available in the online environment (know-how);
  • acquired confidence and skills in online socialization (formal and informal) in the different modes of communication available in the virtual environment (knowing how to relate);
  • acquired skills in different modes of online learning and work (independent learning, collaborative learning, learning with peers, learning with the support of resources);
  • demonstrated social presence communication skills through interaction in informal contexts;
  • applied general Internet usage skills (communication, research, knowledge management, and information evaluation) in the virtual environment where the course will take place (effective use of email, knowing how to work in online groups, knowing how to research and consult information on the Internet, etc.);
  • applied the specific social coexistence rules of communication in online environments.


Pedagogical Model

The Pedagogical Model of the University of Maia for 2nd Cycle distance learning programs is based on the following principles:

  • teaching focuses on the student as an active agent responsible for constructing knowledge and acquiring their competencies;
  • teaching values flexibility of access to learning, without temporal or geographical constraints, based on the availability of the student and an asynchronous communication model, giving time to the student to read and consolidate information, reflect, and only then, dialogue or interact (respond);
  • teaching is based on diverse forms of interaction among student-teacher, student-student, and student-learning resources, being socially contextualized and minimizing feelings of isolation.

The following elements are vital in the context of the teaching-learning process:

  • Virtual Class, in which the student will join a virtual class along with the teacher and other classmates. Learning activities take place in this virtual space and are exclusively carried out online. The Virtual Class should be understood as a multifunctional space that brings together a range of resources distributed across various collective and/or individual work subspaces, where the interaction between teacher-student(s) and student-student(s) takes place. Communication is asynchronous, based on writing, and skills are enhanced.
  • Mixed Class, applied in some curriculum units that, in addition to the above, have synchronous face-to-face and/or online components for the presentation and demonstration of results or the development of practical artistic or workshop works. The scheduling of synchronous sessions is carefully delineated at the beginning of the semester, never exceeding 25% of the total hours.
  • Learning Contract is a document generated by the teacher proposing a guided and organized work path based on carefully scheduled activities aimed at ensuring the success of self-learning and collaborative learning processes, materialized in a set of milestones with very specific purposes. The Learning Contract is analyzed, discussed, and accepted by both the teacher who proposes it and the students who commit to carrying it out.

The assessment can take place in two modalities:

  • Continuous Assessment, which takes place throughout the academic semester, includes different assessment items, foresees an online component with a weight of more than 60%, and has an individual nature in at least 50% of its weighting. If positive, this assessment modality exempts the student from the Final Assessment.
  • Final Assessment, which takes place in a single moment in time, may include different assessment items, is individual, online, or in person, and has a weighting of 100% in the final grade.


Virtual Campus

The University of Maia offers its students a Virtual Campus, which includes digital and completely dematerialized tools for carrying out administrative procedures remotely, such as registration and enrollment, payments, production, dissemination and management of schedules, grade posting, summary writing, attendance recording, exam schedules, submission of Course Unit Syllabi, Course Unit Reports, Cycle of Studies Evaluation Report, Theses, and Dissertations, etc.