Master's Degree

Football Match Analysis

Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


Diogo Alexandre Martins Coutinho

DGES Registry

Course registered at the General Directorate of Higher Education with the number R/A-Cr 283/2021 /AL01 de 19-12-2023

​Publication in the Official Gazette

Notice n.º 1828/2024, n.º17 of 24 January 2024 (in portuguese)

Accreditation of the Study Program

New Study Cycle Submission Guide  (in portuguese)

Decision: Accredited for 3 years 

Publication Date: 26-07-2021

Official Information A3ESAccreditation result (in portuguese)

Study Program Evaluation 

Study program self-evaluation report (in portuguese) 


Match analysis in football is a complex process that requires the constant updating of knowledge and skills. Updating such abilities is currently even more important considering the constant technological innovation in the process of analysing football training and matches. The Master's Degree in Football Match Analysis at the University of Maia is a study program taught in English and based on the new training paradigm, which is increasingly reflected in academic training, through teaching and learning methodologies in e-learning environments.

As a second cycle of higher academic training, its main objective is to develop advanced professional skills in the field of training and match analysis in football. This is achieved through the existence of theoretical and practical learning modules, supported by current scientific evidence, which enable the ability to identify, analyze and communicate individual and collective movement patterns in football.

The aim is to provide advanced knowledge in the ability to: 

  • Master the advanced use of specific match Analysis software.
  • Apply data processing, analysis and visualization methods.
  • Manipulate different indicators and visualization techniques.
  • Present logical arguments through effective communication in training and match reports.
  • Critically evaluate published scientific research in match analysis.
  • Develop research in the different areas of football match analysis.

Career Opportunities

This Master's degree qualifies graduates to work as tactical analysts, from both own and the opposing team perspective, head of the match analysis department, chief scout and lead scout to identify players and coaches at different levels of performance.

Differentiating Factors

The Master's Degree in Football Match Analysis stands out due to its e-learning training aspect, giving students the chance to update, strengthen and specialize their knowledge and skills in match analysis remotely, in collaborative learning environments similar to those of other learning communities. The possibility of selecting specific curricular units allows students to better tailor their training educational path according to their individual needs and the specific nature of their professional role. This study cycle offers the chance to learn how to use different tools for analysing football performance, such as data providers platforms or specific software for coding and analysing performance, such as Metrica Sports.

The innovative study plan has a theoretical-practical dimension based on the latest scientific evidence and is taught and supervised by lecturers whose scientific curriculum is nationally and internationally recognized, along with the participation of lecturers with professional experience in the field of performance analysis in high-performance football contexts. Due to its nature, the training project for this cycle of studies enables and promotes tutorial (individualized) support on an ongoing basis.​​
​The training process spans three semesters (90 ECTS) and is structured around two key components:

  1. ​Compulsory and Elective Course Units
  2. Work Placement

Component 1 - Compulsory and Optional Curricular Units
The compulsory and optional curricular units, which are of a fundamental nature and support the match analysis process, are spread over two semesters. In the first semester, the student will engage in three subjects in every quarter. This component aims to provide students with fundamental competences based on theoretical and applied scientific knowledge, as well as the most up-to-date practices found in the role of the football analyst. 

In the second semester, the student will have the opportunity to select a three optional curricular units that aims to complement the training process, allowing a path that responds to individual expectations and needs, considering the areas of professional intervention where they work during the work placement.

In the second semester, students have the opportunity to select three out of six course units from the following set:
  1. Strategy and tactics
  2. Support Technologies for Sports Performance Analysis
  3. Scouting and Big Data
  4. Coach Intervention Analysis
  5. Analysis of Collective Behaviour Patterns
  6. Analysis of Individual Behaviour Patterns

Component 2 – Work Placement
This component takes place in sports organizations of recognized merit (from regional to first division teams and local football associations), integrated into the national or international sports system. Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in contexts of situated practice, being integrated into work teams under the supervision and guidance of local professionals and lecturers from the University of Maia. Based on the individualized educational path, students will have the opportunity to refine their practical skills in one of two domains during their work placement:

  1. Tactical Analyst of Training and Match Situations
    • Students will focus on refining their skills as tactical analysts, specializing in both training sessions and match situations.
    • Emphasis will be placed on the in-depth analysis of tactical strategies employed during by players and teams.
    • The goal is to equip students with the expertise to assess and provide insights into team dynamics, strategic decisions, and performance optimization.
  2. ​​Scout
    • Students opting for this domain will undertake the role of a scout, with a mission to help identify and select coaches and players.
    • The focus will be on developing proficiency in talent identification, assessing coaching capabilities, and evaluating player potential.
    • ​​Through this specialization, students will gain the skills needed to contribute to the strategic decision-making process in team selection and development.
This tailored approach ensures that students can align their practical intervention with their specific career aspirations within the realms of tactical analysis or scouting. The work placement serves as a valuable opportunity for hands-on experience and skill enhancement in their chosen domain.​


  • 1st season application​ period until 28 February 2025 ;
  • Outcome of applications 1 to 07 March 2025;
  • Matriculation:  from 10 to 21 March 2025;
  • 2st season application period (2st season – leftover places): from 1 to 21 March;
  • First Day of Classes: 24 March  2025.

​Specific entry admission requirements

According to current legislation, individuals eligible to apply for this study cycle include:
​​a) Holders of a bachelor's degree or its legal equivalent in "Physical Education and Sport Sciences" or "Data Science" and/or related areas;
b) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process in the areas of "Physical Education and Sport Sciences" or "Data Science" and/or related areas;
c) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as meeting the objectives of a bachelor's degree by the statutorily competent Scientific Body of the University of Maia;
d) Individuals with an academic, scientific, or professional curriculum that is recognised as demonstrating the capacity to undertake this study cycle by the statutorily competent Scientific Body of the University of Maia."

English Language Requirements

​Applicants must meet the minimum English language requirements.


Documents should be sent to

In the application process, applicants are required to submit the following documents:
  • Identification document
  • Certificate(s) of qualifications
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Optional: Letter of recommendation

For application, students must submit the original documents authenticated by a Portuguese consular or diplomatic authority (or with a Hague Apostille from the competent authority in the state in which the document was issued). Whitout these, students will not be able to matriculate at UMAIA.

Documents which are not originally written in Portuguese or English must be translated (certified translation) into one of these languages. Documents in French or Spanish may also be considered for application.​


All academic degrees obtained must be accompanied by certificates of qualifications, indicating the final grade achieved. Preferably, the grades attained in all completed course units should also be included.
Evidence of all the information in the curriculum vitae must be submitted​.
Additionally, in the letter of motivation, candidates are encouraged to clarify the reasons for their application.