Luís Carlos Gonçalves dos Santos Seco
Admission exames 2025
One of the following sets:
09 Geography
16 Mathematics*
02 Biology and Geology
16 Mathematics*
16 Mathematics*
18 Portuguese
Admission exams (16)* students who only hold a Mathematics B (Matemática B) qualification will need to take a Further Mathematics course unit, which is free to attend.
Calculation of the Application Score
National Exams (25% of each exam)
DGES Registry
Course registered at the General Directorate of Higher Education with the number R/A-Cr 44/2014
Publication in the Official Gazette
Study Plan 1st Cycle 2020 -
Notice nº 9311/2020 - 2nd series, n.º 118 of 19 June 2020.
Accreditation of the Study Program
Study Program self-evaluation guidelines (in portuguese)
Accredited for 6 years
Publication date:
Official information A3ES:
Accreditation result (in portuguese)
Study Program Evaluation
Study program self-evaluation report
(in portuguese)
The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science is based on the best international standards and the current needs of senior technical staff. It is able to meet the challenges of emerging jobs in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as the result of continuous improvement and evolution over more than 20 years.
In a field that requires constant updating, this course has been redesigned and renewed over time and now takes the form that is best adjusted to its students’ expectations. It includes technical skills, entrepreneurial and creative spirit and leadership and teamwork abilities, which are qualities requested more and more frequently in the labour market.
It deals with one of the most dynamic employment sectors, in which the supply of jobs for competent professionals is significantly higher than demand both in Portugal and abroad. UMAIA wishes to provide companies with professionals who are best qualified and adapted to their actual needs.
The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at UMAIA includes six areas of specialisation: mobile computing; geoinformatics; management; next-generation networks; business information systems; and information systems and software. Specialisations are chosen at the end of the 2nd year and are explored in greater depth in the final semester, when students carry out a project or work placement in the relevant specialisation area. This format provides diversified training that has greater flexibility and includes students’ active participation in choosing the profile closest to their actual needs.
What makes this course different?
UMAIA has established a series of partnerships that provide access to modern infrastructures such as data centres, virtualisation, telecommunications networks, and business technologies for software development. In this field, particularly important partnerships have been established with: SAP Portugal, which includes the opportunity to join a global SAP certification course; PH Informática, which includes access to technology to develop location-based systems; Alcatel Lucent, which enables Network Routing Specialist I and II certification to be integrated into the course; the City of Porto/Porto Digital Project for access to the telecommunications network, IPTV, a data centre and cloud computing; and OPOLAB, which offers UMAIA students and alumni special conditions to use a co-working space.