Course Description
The Master's in Film and Digital Culture has been considered by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education as a relevant and original proposal. Within a context of profound technological innovations that are changing the way Cinema and Audiovisual are viewed, this Master’s provides the reflection not only on this change but also its multiple manifestations, as well as the indispensable tools for the creation of works, whether cinematographic or hybrid, with visibility and application in various fields. By combining thought and action, it combines the experience of professionals whose experience both reports to research and extends to incursions in creative work.
The teaching staff includes highly qualified professors who are holders of a PhD degree, authors of several publications and responsible for scientific research projects, namely within the Centre for Research in Arts and Communication (CIAC) classified as Very Good by the FCT, as well as for professional or artistic activities of interest to the study cycle.
In addition to national and regional partnerships, of which some of the most renowned film and performing arts festivals are examples, the internationalization component should be highlighted, which includes integration in the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) and the Besides the Screen research network, together with King's College and the Universities of Vitória and São Paulo, in Brazil.
The Master's degree, which endows students with high-level skills to respond to an increasingly complex and sophisticated market, is structured in four semesters with a total of 120 ECTS. The first two semesters have 10 curricular units, the remaining being essentially destined to the preparation and execution of a dissertation or project.
This 2nd cycle of studies is carried out in a context of interaction with the outside world, and includes the participation of filmmakers, multimedia artists, curators and other specialists in different areas of digital sound and image, as well as companies and entities linked to the sector.
Employment Prospects
Employment prospects widen from the moment the master's students acquire skills to perform, analyze, supervise and produce cinematographic, audiovisual and multimedia works either autonomously or as part of a team, After having acquired the transversal knowledge which requires innovation, creativity, and mastering the required tools, job opportunities open to the multiple valences of the Film and Audiovisual industries, as well as to artistic activities, either carried out individually or of a more institutional nature, namely, in Research and Development.
These may include, for example: directors, producers, digital consultants, multimedia consultants, curators, cultural programmers, individual artists, researchers.
ISMAI has new and functional facilities and is highly equipped to meet the requirements of the course. It has a well-equipped television studio, to which are added modern sound and image laboratories, as well as storage and internet access infrastructures.
The investment plan follows a policy of adapting the spaces to the needs of the new courses, such as the Master's in Cinema and Audiovisual Culture, and provides for a systematic upgrade with state-of-the-art equipment and broadcast quality.