Maria Anita Carvalho dos Santos
Who is this course for?
People who have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
DGES Registry
Course registered at the General Directorate of Higher Education with the number R/A-Cr 102/2017
Publication in the Official Gazette
Notice n.º 11048/2017 - 2nd series, n.º 184 of 22 of September
Accreditation of the Study Program
Accredited for 6 years
Publication Date:
Study Program Evaluation
Course Description
The Master’s degree in Forensic Clinical Psychology – Intervention with Perpetrators and Victims aims to endow students with knowledges, skills and competences in the field of Clinical Psychology applied to forensic contexts, problematics and populations. The main aims are: assessment of psycho-legal skills and of psychological constructs legally relevant to the exercise of justice; assessment of the psychological impact and injury and of possible intervention needs; assessment of the risk of violence and/or repeat violence with young and adult perpetrators; psychological intervention with crime victims – children, young people and adults; social reintegration and rehabilitation with young and adult offenders; psychological intervention with populations involved in legal procedures; and research applied to Forensic Clinical Psychology.
Employment Prospects
Holders of a Master's degree in Forensic Clinical Psychology are endowed with specialised scientific and professional training that capacitates them to work as a Clinical Psychologist and specially qualified to work in a variety of contexts, such as: Prison Establishments; Social Reintegration Teams; Multidisciplinary Teams for Court Support (EMAT); Legal Medical Institute (IML); Victim Support Institutions; Committees for Protection of Children and Young People (CPCJ); Education Centres; Child and Youth Homes; Transitional Shelter Homes; Shelter-Homes; Support and Rehabilitation Centres for Drug Addicts. Further professional opportunities include working as independent professionals, carry out work in consultancy and the scope of psychology practices integrated in health and community services. The Master's degree allows access to the Order of Portuguese Psychologists.
Differentiating Factors
The MPCF is an innovative Master's with distinguishing features at a national level. Students can have access to basic training in Clinical Psychology and specialization in its application to forensic issues and populations involved in legal procedures. At the same time, Clinical Forensic Psychology focuses on highly specialized psychological treatments, combining basic clinical skills with the specificity of the forensic context. For this purpose, there is a specific curricular plan (in the work or after-work regimes) and a consolidated network of curricular internships. Teachers have relevant national and international publications in the field of the Master's, which allows for the development of research in these contexts by the students.
Admission Requirements
This cycle of studies is open to all candidates who are:
- holders of a first-cycle degree or legal equivalent in the scientific area of this cycle of studies or related areas;
- holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process in the scientific area of this cycle of studies or related areas;
- holders of a foreign higher degree that is recognized by the Scientific Council of UMAIA as fulfilling the objectives of the degree in the scientific area of this cycle of studies or related areas;
- holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the ability to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of UMAIA.
Candidates will be subject to a curriculum assessment and motivational interview and must present a portfolio in case there are references to past artistic experience.