Guest Speakers


​​   Michael Duncan

Professor in Sport and Exercise Science, and Centre Director Centre for Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5HB.

Topic: “Motor competence interventions: Global lessons for local impact”

The talk will present an overview of innovative motor competence interventions from across the globe. Distinction will be drawn in terms of what works, in which location and whether there is transferability to different contexts and cultures. The talk will also present key lessons that researchers can take and embed in their own practice to extend reach and effectiveness of the motor competence interventions they employ.

Diretor da Portugal Football School na Federação Portuguesa de Futebol.
Professor auxiliar com agregação na Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto.
Doutorado em ciências do desporto e possui dois mestrados (saúde pública e treino de alto rendimento desportivo).

Topic: “Super Quinas: a Portuguese program to promote motor competence”​​​

Clarice Martins is a researcher at the Research Center for Physical Activity, Health and Leisure at the Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto and professor at the Department of Physical Education at the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil.

Topic: "Exploring motor development throughout an integrative complex systems approach

Brazil. Her research focuses on understanding the relationships between movement behaviours and child development.
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Full Professor - Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, University of Gent

Topic: “Motor competence in 1-3 year old children: trends, threats, and opportunities"​

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, University of Delaware

Topic: "Understanding motor competence using a developmental lens"

Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching in Physical Education, Arts and Music, University of Valencia, Spain. He is co-director of the AFIPS (Physical Activity and Health Promotion) research group and a member-at-large of the IMDRC (International Motor Development Research Consortium).

Topic: “Physically Active Learning to Promote Motor Development and Physical Literacy in Primary School Children. The ALPHYL Project”